Somehow, after all of these years, I never got around to reading "Jane Eyre." Indeed, I don't believe I've even seen a film version of the story despite having apparent interest in doing so. The story I was exposed to in the book incited no memories of having seen any of this before in an adaptation. No matter - I've read it now, and thoroughly enjoyed it. I'll watch a film version of it soon with my wife.

This was yet another copy from Easton Press's 100 Greatest Books collection. With one exception, I am caught up with having read (or re-read) all of the books I've received from my subscription. Their delivery has slowed to a trickle now, though, as I have nearly a hundred of them.

The first thing I'll say about Jane Eyre, the character rather than the book bearing her name, is that she is very strong-willed. This isn't a derisory observation of any kind. Indeed, it is an admirable one. Her willfulness is even slightly out of character given her status and the times in which she lived. She was not only a woman, but an orphan and one without means. She was respectful and submissive at times, but, at others, would openly speak her mind even when her thoughts weren't expected to be appealing to the audience.
Another thing I would like to say about the character Jane Eyre is that she is also true to herself and her values. This is yet another admirable trait. And it is a rare one at least to her degree of truthfulness. It is tough to be that honest with oneself. There were times in the book where I was perplexed by her decisions because I felt like she was, in effect, harming herself and her prospects. Those results were secondary to her, though, while her values were of primary importance. I wonder if her actions were meant to be perplexing to the reader or if they were only that way to me perhaps because I am wired so differently than she is. I have values, too, but it could be that since I don't share her love for Edward Rochester the decisions she makes aren't as obviously driven to me as they would be to her. I do have values, but hers are especially admirable to me.

That truthfulness to self is something I think everyone struggles with. Jean-Paul Sartre referred to the lack of investigation of truth as 'bad faith,' which, in essence, shares the same culpability as outright lying to oneself. It's an extremely common practice. I think he is probably right, but I also feel that there has to be a balance between the degree of truth being sought and one's constrained resources with which to conduct the search.
I went into this book half-expecting a Jane Austen type novel with blossoming love, drama, and heart-melting professions. Although it had its share of all of those, the story itself is rather fantastic, but not so much so that it is impossible. There were some things about it that I had trouble suspending disbelief over. For example, it seemed out of character to me for Edward Rochester to cross-dress and pretend to be a fortune telling gypsy in his own home just to ask Jane some pointed questions. But eccentricity isn't unique to the middle- and lower-classes. It could be I was just assuming too much.
Jane's story arc is very moving and touching. I found myself feeling for her as the story progressed. She was dealt a cruel hand and steadfastly tried to make the best of it within the confines of her values and opportunities. She wasn't a quitter. But neither was she self-compromising. She is a strong character and a memorable one. This just reinforces that I don't believe I had 'met' her before in a film. I think it would have stuck with me enough to recall it.

"Jane Eyre" is a memorable story that stands up well to the test of time. It's not perfect, but it is extremely well told and a powerful tale. I'm glad to have it in my collection and glad that I finally got around to reading it.