It's always interesting to read an author's debut work. I recently read "Homegoing," Yaa Gyasi's first novel. I was thoroughly impressed by the writing and presentation as well as the sheer scope of the work. And for it to be her first novel makes it all the more impressive.

The book spans generations...literally hundreds of years. It is arranged as a series of chapters that are a lot like short stories but that are nested in a web of interconnections. Each chapter is powerful in its own way, and, I must say, there's a lot of variability between the stories told throughout the book. Most books don't have chapters that are so consistently strong. It's impressive.
The overall arc of "Homegoing" is centered on slavery and its lasting impact for those that were enslaved as well as those that stayed behind. It's an ambitious subject to take on and doing so over generations is both appropriate and meaningful.
I read this on a recommendation from a friend from a couple years ago or so. I probably never would have picked it up otherwise - not due to any sort of intention of avoiding it, just that it's outside of the usual circles my reading meandering takes me. This book delivered, though, handily. I strongly recommend it to any readers who like ambitious stories executed with astounding writing and moving themes.